Low Back Pain Physiotherapy

Low Back Pain Physiotherapy at Sydney Physio Clinic

Working as a low back pain physio can be a complicated business. The lower back (lumbar spine) is made up of 5 large vertebrae. With intervertebral discs positioned in-between each of these spinal segments. Exiting from each vertebral level are a pair of spinal nerves. One of the pair exiting the right side and one the left of the spine. Each of these nerves carry and supply motor and sensory information to and from the lower limbs. The individual nerves are responsible for supplying different areas and muscles of the lower extremities.
The lumbar spine has many muscles and ligaments. Muscles that both pass through the spine and smaller muscles that attach and insert in the lower back. Between all these structures, the joints, discs, muscles, ligaments, and nerves, it means there are multiple tissues capable of being potential pain sources. And therefore several potential reasons services of a low back pain physio may be of benefit. At Sydney Physio Clinic we strive to provide effective and efficient treatment to manage low back pain. All our physiotherapists are trained to treat the cause, and not just the symptoms.

Common Causes Of Low Back Pain Seen At Sydney Physio Clinic

At Sydney Physio Clinic, we commonly help patients navigate their way through a variety of low back pain conditions. Including but not exclusively just a stiff lower back or sciatica. Conditions including:

  • Lumbar disc issues, including; degenerative disc disease, bulging discs, prolapsed, herniated discs…
  • Muscle strain in the lower back.
  • Spondylosis, a type of arthritis spurred by wear and tear to the spine.
  • Spondylolysis, a bony defect or fracture is common in adolescents involved in strenuous activities involving repetitive or forceful hyperextension. Including rowing, tennis, diving, martial arts, and gymnastics.
  • Spondylolisthesis, a condition where one vertebra slips forward in relation to the adjacent vertebrae. A somewhat common complaint in patients who fall between 30–50-years old.

Low Back Pain Physio For Sciatica

Consistent with most physio practices low back pain is one of the main reasons at Sydney Physio Clinic patients seek our services. Patients complaining of sciatica symptoms is a regular occurrence in our Macquarie Street physio practice. Prolonged sitting is a common issue many office workers must combat. Sitting has been described as “the new smoking” with regard to its known negative health impacts. Sustained sitting throughout the day frequently contributes to the onset of sciatic symptoms. Sitting however is clearly not the only low back pain trigger. Repetitive movements and other repetitive dynamic postures required in office work and other professions, are also potential triggers for low back pain. Our physios are experienced in getting to the root cause of your low back pain or sciatica. Endeavoring to provide treatment and practical variations to minimize any ongoing stress to your spine, to prevent future episodes.

Our Physiotherapists Are Here To Help

Whatever the reason behind your back pain. Having the right combination of strength and flexibility around your spine, coupled with good postural control is vital for a well-functioning lower back. And crucial for the long-term health of your spine. At Sydney Physio Clinic our practitioners are qualified and experienced in low back pain physio treatment and are ready to help you achieve your goals.

Potential Low Back Pain Triggers

Excluding trauma, common contributors to the onset of low back pain include:

  • Genetics, with regard to the design and postural variations of the spine.
  • Weakness of the trunk muscles.
  • Stiffness and mobility issues within the spinal articulations and associated soft tissues.
  • Sustained stationary and dynamic postures for extended periods.
  • Degenerative spinal conditions.

Sciatica is something the majority of low back pain physio clinics help treat. Sciatica is a set of symptoms that can be caused by the irritation, or compression to the nerve roots making up the sciatic nerve. Sciatic pain is often experienced in the lower back, buttock, leg and foot. The exact location of symptoms is dependent on which nerve root is irritated, and individual variation. In addition to pain, other symptoms may exist. Including tingling, numbness, pins and needles and muscular weakness may all be noted with “sciatica”. A diagnosis of sciatica is not a true diagnosis. It is label indicating the presence of a potential set of symptoms. And does not give an indication of what is actually irritating the nerve root. Sciatica simply suggests that the set signs and symptoms indicate the sciatic nerve is being irritated, compressed, or damaged.

Book an appointment with a leading physiotherapist in Sydney CBD today.!

Get in touch with Sydney Physio Clinic for a treatment session with our knowledgeable physiotherapists at our Macquarie Street location in the heart of Sydney CBD


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